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Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:17 am
by godzillarissa
So I'd like to get into activism, and I thought I'd just go to my favorite new place on the internet and look that up.
But there's no dedicated space to talk about activism here, it seems.
Which is odd, because many users here are very active in their community and/or (inter)national campaigns.

I think that an activism-related sub-forum (maybe in 'Off-topic') might be a good idea.
Possible uses would be:
- talking about activism in general (e.g. is online activism worth my time?)
- talking about certain campaigns (e.g. local/national/international campaigns/charities, what do they do, are they legit)

Does this sound like something we would want to do?

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:04 pm
by rageasaurus
I'd be all over this! Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:01 pm
by theleakypen
ooh I'd love an activism subforum.

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:41 am
by godzillarissa
Okay, cool... am I suppossed to do anything to get this going or do we just wait until a mod sees this thread?

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:48 am
by The_Other_Alice
Hi guys! We've seen the thread and we're talking over whether or not it's possible. We'll let you know as soon as we can!

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:53 am
by CodaSammy
godzillarissa wrote:Okay, cool... am I suppossed to do anything to get this going or do we just wait until a mod sees this thread?
We usually check the Suggestion Box pretty regularly, but if you're ever feeling like you need something to happen quicker, press the little triangle ! button to flag the post for attention and we'll get to it much more quickly that way :)

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:57 am
by godzillarissa
Thanks for the hint, CodaSammy.
I hope I didn't sound impatient, I just wasn't sure how this works yet.

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:59 am
by CodaSammy
godzillarissa wrote:Thanks for the hint, CodaSammy.
I hope I didn't sound impatient, I just wasn't sure how this works yet.
It's fine, you didn't do anything wrong! We have been talking about this but forgot to tell y'all that we were doing that, oops, so it looked like we were ignoring it. That's our fault, not yours.

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:22 am
by kathlynn
Would the current event forum be a good place for it, until there is a subforum?

Re: Can we have a place to talk about activism?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:58 pm
by King Hotpants
Kathlynn, we would prefer if you could hold on until we get something set up. The Current Events forum has its own purpose and it is a lot of extra work for us when we have to play Thread Shuffle with an entire forum's worth of threads.

We are working on this. Thanks for being patient.