Changes to Ombudspersons

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Changes to Ombudspersons

Post by boutet »

Hello everyone! We have made a small change to the rules section. Our previous ombudsperson Kellis has stepped down from that position, and our previous backup ombudsperson CarbonatedWit has as well. Moving forward our ombudsperson is now Patu, and the backup will be me, boutet. Our updated rule 3.1 now reads:
Respect the mod/admin team. The moderation and administration teams are all volunteers donating their time and attention to keep the forums safe and clean. When a problem comes up, we try to make fair judgments to the best of our abilities. If we make a decision that you disagree with, you are more than welcome to say so -- just please do it without resorting to personal attacks or unnecessary snark.

If you think a mistake has been made, a quick message to the team member in question might clear things up without having to make a forums-wide announcement. If you have a problem with a specific mod or admin, contact Patu, our current ombudsperson. If you have a problem with Patu (link) , contact boutet (link here)
Thank you so much to Kellis and CarbonatedWit for your time and energy in filling these roles.
Last edited by boutet on Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: fixed the mising link

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